May is Mental Health Month. According to the National Institute of Health, depressive disorder affects 17.3 million Americans. There are varying levels of depression, some people require therapy and medication. Others are able to abate symptoms through behavior modification. Dealing with the stress of the pandemic has exacerbated depression symptoms for many. Self-care and positive talk are often helpful in moving forward though the day.
5 Tips for self-help include:
Exercise – The reason exercise is helpful to treat depression is that the chemical endorphins are released with activity. A short brisk walk several times a week may help.
Avoiding sugar – Eating foods with folic acid and omega -3 fatty acids may ease symptoms. Add some avocado to your salad for a boost.
Set objectives daily – Consider things like making your bed, going for a walk or calling a friend in objective setting.
Be kind to yourself – Positive self-talk can help. Congratulate yourself on small victories. For example, compliment yourself on completing a task that you were putting off.
Mindfulness – Mindfulness is a form of meditation where you quiet your mind to focus on the present. Take one day at a time.
If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health reach out to the Crisis Text Line. Text Hello to 741741. The line services anyone in any type of crisis.